What I’ve learned over the years is that weight loss is almost always what starts the fitness journey. Once you get through a certain point, (this point is undefined and different for everyone) it can become about so much more. However, let’s start at the beginning. You’re in it to lose some weight, that’s great, your health is so incredibly important, and we tend to take it for granted. So what’s your why? Losing weight, right, you just told me that duh…but REALLY what’s your why. What is going to get you up and moving? What will have you trade in that diet coke (which as a former dc addict I can say, is so bad for you) for a water? What will make you lace up your shoes when it’s cold and you’re tired, and the alarm clock is going off entirely too early? These are the things you need to ask yourself, put up around your house, stick reminders in your calendar. If you’re working out at 8, and getting up at 6, put a reminder in your phone for 5:30, so that the first thing you see after you silence that alarm is your why. You health, wedding, cute pants you found on clearance, make the ex jealous, your kids, whatever the reason is you need to know it! Just some fair warning, this will change about 1,000 times over which is good. You’ll be evolving on your fitness journey. My goal is to help you establish your why, and work towards your goals. It is 100% a journey and not a destination. My goal for every one I come in contact with is to redefine their life, make that change, be active, and live healthy. Just so that there is total transparency here, I do still eat donuts. I do still eat crap food, yes I know I shouldn’t but one of the things I learned about myself after years of failing, is that the second I try to cut something out, I will binge on it. This is just how I am wired. So I no longer cut anything out completely. I do however try to be very disciplined in the grocery story. Odds are pretty good I’m not going back out to get whatever I’m craving. At least 99% of the time. Also worth noting I am the (self proclaimed) queen of self-sabotage, and man is my crown AH-MAZING! This is not a title I am proud of, and most fitness people prob. wouldn’t own that title, but I try to keep it real. There will be times I’m not just going to fall off the let’s not eat so much sugar wagon, but really more like swan dive into a brownie sundae from busters with new york cheese cake ice cream. How did we get to food, well the sad truth is it’ll determine how your fitness goes. I say sad truth, because for me it’s my weakness. You may not have that weakness. You may be more likely to skip workouts and eat a well balanced meal. They go hand in hand. Odds are good if you eat crap, your performance will be crap. You need to be shooting for the balanced plate, and the balanced workout. Carrots, carbs and cardio. Macros, muscles and many many reps…ok so I couldn’t find an M to go with, but it works! Ladies, don’t be afraid to lift weights, I LOVE to lift weights…in the words of Buddy the elf Lifting is my favorite!! It makes you strong, not huge; in fact bulking is tougher to do that you’d think.

Some other things to think about, do you have a crew? Are you surrounding yourself with like minded individuals who will help you succeed, inspire, motivate, but most importantly hold you accountable? If not, let’s pull one together. I’m a bit of a lone wolf (again transparency) but I have found I adore working out in group settings. The energy, and amazingness the others around you bring to the table without even knowing it, is worth its weight in gold! When you have a girl half your age tell you you’re her inspiration, or a workout partner who’s your 10 years your senior and you all just fit! It knocks down so many walls and barriers. DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS!!!! Group training and classes so much fun! Again lone wolf/introvert here and even I love it!